What you see: Chalky white coloring on top of your brown egg.What it is: A spot the chicken missed when she was adding pigment to her eggs. Eat or toss: Eat!
White areas on blackberries
What you see: White or tan beads on your otherwise fine-looking blackberry. What it is: White drupelet disorder. Most likely these berries just got too much
Moldy maple syrup?
What you see: Something unexpected floating on top of your maple syrup. It might be whitish, brown, cream-colored or another color.What it is: Mold.Eat or toss:
What’s the white stuff in some apple cores?
What you see: Tight bundles of white fuzz around the seed cavities in your apple core; you may be worried your apple is moldy.What it is: If the apple otherwise
White liquid dripping out of lettuce?
What you see: A milky white substance leaks out of your freshly chopped lettuce. What it is: Lettuce latex!Eat or toss: Eat! This is a natural part of the
What’s the string at the end of a carrot?
What you see: A white “string” at the bottom of your carrot.What it is: The very end of the carrot!Eat or toss: Eat! More carrot! Yes, you can eat the string
What’s the white film on blueberries?
What you see: A whitish film on your blueberries. What it is: A naturally occurring protective coating called bloom. Eat or toss: Eat! That silvery film
Wispy white spots on blueberries
What you see: Cottony white spots on your blueberries; probably where the stem attached or where there might have been a wound in the blueberry’s skin. What it
White areas on raspberry
What you see: White areas on your raspberry.What it is: Sunburn or sunscald. Eat or toss: Eat! The raspberry is fine. Raspberries with white areas are OK to
What’s the white spongy stuff around the underside of mushroom caps?
What you see: A thin, spongy, white thing attached to the bottom of the mushroom cap. It could surround the stem or be hanging off the edges of the
Why do some potatoes leave a white mess on cutting boards?
What you see: Your potato has left a lot of white stuff on your cutting board. What it is: Potato starch!Eat or toss: Please do not eat your cutting board.
How to tell if white stuff on cheese is mold
What you see: White stuff on your cheese. You’re worried about uninvited mold. What it is: If it’s soft and you can spot “filaments,” it’s mold. (If it’s
White area under potato peel
What you see: A strikingly white area just below the potato peel. What it is: A white “knot,” basically a bruise that didn’t turn dark colors, as bruises
Moldy peach pit
What you see: A moldy pit in a peach.What it is: A moldy pit in a peach. Eat or toss: Toss. In a soft fruit like a peach, even areas without obvious mold could
White film on your avocado?
What you see: A white film on your avocado's peel.What it is: Likely copper sulfate residue.Eat or toss: Rinse, scrub, peel and eat. White film on avocado
Can you eat celery if it’s white and spongy inside?
What you see: A white spongy texture and holes inside your celery stalks. They may seem hollow. What it is: Broken-down celery tissue. "Pith breakdown" is often