Where you might have seen us lately:
Coverage and mentions of EatOrToss
- The Al Travis Show: Interview
- Industry Night podcast: When in Doubt, Maybe Don’t Throw It Out
- Washington Post Cooking Chat: Is it safe to eat cauliflower with brown spots?
- Sustainable Minimalist podcast interview with Rachael Jackson: Be Bold! Breaking Food Norms.
- Washington Post: Leftover cabbage? Smother it in tomato Gravy and pile it on grits.
- NBC Washington: Eat Or Toss? DC-Area Expert Explains How to Avoid Food Waste
- Washington City Paper: This D.C. Resident Will Help You Decide to ‘Eat or Toss’ Questionable Produce
- Reuters.com: Silver lining in the health crisis? Less food waste
- Mashable: 6 ways to reduce food waste, even during a pandemic
- Hill Rag: Living Sustainably on Capitol Hill
- Jewish Food Experience: Food Mysteries and Food Waste? Solved!
- NowThis: IKEA book offers ideas to minimize food waste
- CTV Toronto: Why this Toronto millennial dumpster dives for groceries
Articles in other publications by EatOrToss’s Rachael Jackson
- The Washington Post: Refrigerating produce in jars looks great, but it can breed bacteria
- The Washington Post: How to throw a kid’s birthday party with less waste
- The Washington Post: How to shop less, cook the food you have, waste less and eat well
- The Washington Post: 7 ways I’m shamelessly breaking social norms to cut food waste
- The Washington Post: These common recipe instructions make food safety experts cringe
- The Washington Post: Pandemic-related cooking and eating habits could help curb food waste — if consumers stick to them
- The Washington Post: Your food scraps deserve another shot. Here’s how to use peels, stems and more in your cooking.
- The Washington Post: The next time your freezer loses power, don’t panic. These food safety tips will save you
- The Washington Post: Sprouting onions and scarred tomatoes: How to tell whether fading produce is still safe to eat
- NationalGeographic.com: Most people waste more food than they think—here’s how to fix it
Other places you might have seen us:
- Flashfood: The Leftovers: Episode 3
- ReFED: GUEST BLOG: How EatOrToss is Empowering Consumers to Waste Less by Understanding their Food Better
- Bright Farms: Frequent Questions
- Zero Waste Scotland: Why We Don’t Realize We’re Wasting Food
- U.S. P.I.R.G.: How to minimize food waste this 4th of July
- Washington Post: For Earth Day, ask us your kitchen sustainability questions
- United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. North America office. Global and North American Perspectives on Food Loss and Waste
- ReFED – Food Waste Solution Providers database
- Further With Food: Center for Food Loss and Waste Solutions. Resource directory.