Quick summary: If your clamshell or bag of fresh greens is a little past its “best by” date, but still looks fresh and dry, the greens are probably fine. If,
White liquid dripping out of lettuce?
What you see: A milky white substance leaks out of your freshly chopped lettuce. What it is: Lettuce latex!Eat or toss: Eat! This is a natural part of the
When lettuce turns pink or brownish, is it still good to eat?
What you see: Lettuce that’s brownish, pinkish along the ribs. What it is: Pink rib! Eat or toss: If the lettuce looks slimy, trim that portion away. If the rib
You can eat lettuce with little brown spots like these
What you see: Brown dots on your lettuce, especially along the lower parts of the ribs. What it is: Russet spotting! Eat or toss: Eat! This is harmless (for