What you see: Rough brown patches on the surface of your avocado. They may look a little geometric, possibly like scales. What it is: Windblown leaves and
Kale with little black spots on stems and leaves
What you see: Black spots or stripes on your kale.What it is: Likely a fungal or bacterial disease. Eat or toss: Trim them off and eat the rest. You can
Little spots on your avocado peel?
What you see: Small black or brown spots on the outside of your avocado, almost like it got a rug burn on the tips of its bumps.What it is: Lenticel damage!
Spots of mold on the bottom of a pineapple?
What you see: Mold on the bottom of your intact pineapple. What it is: Fungal growth on dead plant tissue. Eat or toss: If the rest of the pineapple looks fine,
Moldy eggs
What you see: Your eggs have something unexpected, likely black, growing on the surface or possibly inside the shells. They look like the eggs in the images in
What’s up with yellow or white patches on watermelons?
What you see: A yellowish area on your watermelon. It may be slightly flatter than the rest of the melon. What it is: The ground spot! It’s where the
Dark, water-soaked areas on green beans
What you see: Parts of your green beans have dark green spots; they look “water soaked.” What it is: Likely the result of rough handling, maybe freezing damage.
Why is this orange black inside?
What you see: A black area inside your orange (which we’re guessing is a navel orange).What it is: Most likely a confrontation between a fungus and the
Dark spots or discoloration on mushrooms
What you see: Brown areas on your mushrooms that won’t wash off. What it is: Discoloration from bruising or aging. Eat or toss: A little discoloration isn't a
Dark spots all over mango
What you see: Black dots all over your mango.What it is: Lenticel darkening!Eat or toss: Eat! This only affects the external appearance of the mango. Are
Dark, black coloration on shrimp
What you see: Black discoloration on your shrimp. The tails are turning black and amorphous black blobs have formed where the shell segments connect. What
Peach with black spots
What you see: Peaches with black spots. What it is: Peach scab, a disease that tends to stay on the surface. Eat or toss: Peel. If the flesh below
Black dots on salmon?
What you see: Black spots on your salmon. What it is: Likely dark pigments (“melanin spots”) the salmon produced in response to a virus or other
Shallow blackened holes on potato’s exterior
What you see: Blackish spots or holes on your potatoes like those pictured above; they may go below the peel. What it is: Likely pores that were damaged and
Sunken black spots on an apple’s skin
What you see: Dark, possibly black, sunken spots on your apple’s skin. What it is: Bitter pit. Eat or toss: Peel and eat! This disorder usually doesn’t go very
Grayish smudges or spots on your eggshell?
What you see: Translucent, watercolor-like smudges and spots on your eggshell.What it is: Mottling, or a place where moisture is trapped in the shell.Eat or