What you see: A dark, purplish “dust” on the surface of your avocado, just under the skin. What it is: Pigment from the skin. Eat or toss: Eat! The purple
Why does some broccoli look blue?
What you see: Broccoli with a blueish tingeWhat it is: Plant pigments and/or a waxy coating on the broccoli Eat or toss: Eat! This is normal for broccoli Why
Purple splotches on your cauliflower?
What you see: White cauliflower with some random purple patches in the branches and stemWhat it is: Bonus colors from anthocyanins, common plant pigments Eat or
Why did this orange turn purple?!?
What you see: An orange slice that looked normal and, many hours later, turned purple. What it is: A pigment in the orange reacted with iron on the knife used
An onion of a different color?
What you see: Red onions that turn a bluish, greenish color during cooking. What it is: A harmless reaction of a plant pigment to an alkaline (basic)