What you see: Black spots or stripes on your kale.What it is: Likely a fungal or bacterial disease. Eat or toss: Trim them off and eat the rest. You can
Black on Brussels sprouts
What you see: Brussels sprouts with black discoloration and holes. What it is: Evidence that some other creatures have been enjoying your sprouts. Eat or
Yellow things in red cabbage
What you see: Something yellow and maybe leafy or sprouty growing inside your red cabbage. What it is: The cabbage is bolting! The yellow bits are the cabbage's
Why does some broccoli look blue?
What you see: Broccoli with a blueish tingeWhat it is: Plant pigments and/or a waxy coating on the broccoli Eat or toss: Eat! This is normal for broccoli Why
Purple splotches on your cauliflower?
What you see: White cauliflower with some random purple patches in the branches and stemWhat it is: Bonus colors from anthocyanins, common plant pigments Eat or
White thing stuck to your kale leaf
What you see: A white capsule on the underside of your kale leaf. What it is: The cocoon of a pupating insect. Eat or toss: Flick off the cocoon, give the
Yep, that greenish “dirt” on your kale is caterpillar droppings
What you see: A greenish brownish, maybe wet "dirt" on your kale leaves. What it is: Caterpillar poop. Eat or toss: If the kale is otherwise healthy looking,
Green caterpillars hanging in the broccoli jungle
What you see: Green wormy grubs in broccoli, maybe even left behind in your cooking water (where they probably turned white). They may have also eaten away at
Are the brown spots on cauliflower OK to eat?
What you see: Brown spots on cauliflower. What it is: Bruising, most likely from bumping into other cauliflower heads, or cold temperatures. Eat or toss: Eat!
This brown broccoli is about to flower!
What you see: Florets that are somewhat loose, and possibly turning brownish colors. What it is: Broccoli buds about to bloom! Eat or toss: Eat! So, can you