What you see: Brown lines on your wax beans (or green beans or other snap beans/string beans).What it is: Pod flecking or russeting, which can have various
A rough brown band around apples
What you see: Rough brown skin forming a thick band that partially or entirely encircles the fruit. The apple is probably shaped a bit oddly too. What it is:
Brown pattern on pear is perfectly edible (and kind of looks like a map of a faraway land, no?)
What you see: An odd brown pattern on the outside of a pear. What it is: Russeting, a harmless response to water, frost and other environmental conditions. Eat
Should I cut off the brown streaks on my apple?
What you see: Rough, brown apple skin, particularly around the stem, sometimes descending down the fruit in lines. What it is: Russeting. Eat or toss? Eat!