Pickle juice isn't just for preserving pickles! The briny, acidic liquid can do wonders in all sorts of preparations, including those for spreads and dips.
Transform cauliflower cores into dip!
Cauliflower cores and stems don’t need to be discarded! They may seem all hard and unapproachable, but with a little coaxing in some boiling water and a nice
Chard stalks are perfect for hummus
A chard stalk is a silly thing to waste. It’s so pretty! And so delicious, and not terribly fibrous, which makes it especially adaptable for recipes. If you
Carrot tops are perfect for pesto!
The greens atop your carrot bunches are totally edible and are great in pesto! Read on for how to spin them into nutty, herbal goodness in this guest post from
A use for kale stems, other stems? Pesto!
I’d like to start a movement called “Save the Stems!” As long as they aren't the woody variety,* stems can be so wildly versatile and are an excellent way to