What you see: Black spots or stripes on your kale.What it is: Likely a fungal or bacterial disease. Eat or toss: Trim them off and eat the rest. You can
What’s up with yellow or white patches on watermelons?
What you see: A yellowish area on your watermelon. It may be slightly flatter than the rest of the melon. What it is: The ground spot! It’s where the
Yellow things in red cabbage
What you see: Something yellow and maybe leafy or sprouty growing inside your red cabbage. What it is: The cabbage is bolting! The yellow bits are the cabbage's
Can you eat yellow arugula?
What you see: Yellowing arugula leaves. What it is: The leaves are breaking down chlorophyll as they age. Eat or toss? Eat! Nothing unsafe happening here, but