What you see: Bugs crawling around in your dry, uncooked rice (or another stored grain).What it is: Most likely it's an infestation of beetles that enjoy stored
A hole with a “window” in your spinach?
What you see: A spinach leaf with a hole that’s not quite a hole; there's a layer of clear tissue remaining. What it is: Window-paning! Evidence of a picky
White thing stuck to your kale leaf
What you see: A white capsule on the underside of your kale leaf. What it is: The cocoon of a pupating insect. Eat or toss: Flick off the cocoon, give the
Yep, that greenish “dirt” on your kale is caterpillar droppings
What you see: A greenish brownish, maybe wet "dirt" on your kale leaves. What it is: Caterpillar poop. Eat or toss: If the kale is otherwise healthy looking,
Green caterpillars hanging in the broccoli jungle
What you see: Green wormy grubs in broccoli, maybe even left behind in your cooking water (where they probably turned white). They may have also eaten away at
There’s a worm in my turnip!
What you see: A worm thing burrowing in your turnip What it is: A maggot! Specifically, a root maggot. Eat or toss: Cut around the maggot and its trails. The
Chew on this: The tale of the roughed up sweet potato
What you see: Holes and chewed areas on the outside of your sweet potato What it is: Love bites, likely from white grubs. Eat or toss: Peel off the damage and