One place I like to look for Thanksgiving inspiration is my freezer. First, if I have something that's been hanging around unused, well it might just be the
Clean out the fridge salads (with appearances from pantry and freezer items too!)
Salads are great vehicles for using up odds and ends; you rarely need exact volumes of foods, you usually don't need heat and it's easy to adjust based on what
Six ways to make fresh treats from melted ice cream
Back in college a friend of mine once found himself stuck in his apartment with his roommates. The remnants of a hurricane raged outside. The power was out.
Muffins, quick breads and scones: fast uses for sourdough discard
While you probably maintain a sourdough starter in your fridge for use in the long, long process of sourdough bread making, sometimes you need to find a use for
Seven ways to turn leftover egg whites into dessert
Lots of recipes call for only egg yolks, which can leave you awkwardly contemplating what to do with the gloopy leftover egg white. Don't worry, we've got more
Dumplings, meatballs and more! Some, erm, well-rounded ways to use stale bread
Are you finding your bread to be rather, well, square? So much so that it's gone stale and you're just not sure what to do with it anymore? We have some ideas
Six ways to use carrot greens
Carrot greens are edible and versatile -- don't toss them! After a good cleaning, they'll blend well into just about any sauce or dip you can dream up. You can
Four ways to prep chicken using pickle juice (Plus one vegetarian “chicken” nugget dish)
More fun with pickle juice! We've previously shared ideas for repurposing the brine in bread, dips and salads. Now it's back again to show off its skills as a
Soups to make when you need to clear out your fridge and cabinets
Soups are pros when it comes to gracefully transforming odds and ends into dinner. We've collected five recipes from popular food blogs that demonstrate just
Uses for beet greens
Beet greens are edible, delicious greens! They have some of the earthy flavor of beets themselves, along with a leafy texture that's sturdier than spinach, but
How to make a meal or snack from sourdough discard
A sourdough starter is a wonderful, living, growing, breathing, bread-giving thing. But as every parent of a starter knows, sometimes you need to trim and
Salads you can make with pickle juice
One of the easiest and fastest ways to make the most of your pickle juice is pouring it over your salad. Treat pickle juice like the vinegar in a standard
Five ways to use citrus peels in desserts
We've previously written about how to candy citrus peels. It's an easy, delicious, low-waste and extraordinarily inexpensive way to make a fancy treat.
Sauces and pestos you can make with radish greens
Yes, you can eat radish greens! You might sauté them, cook them in soup, put the tenderest ones in salads or blend them into pestos. They can up nutrition and
Savory recipes that use aquafaba
We previously shared a collection of desserts that use aqaufaba (the liquid leftover after preparing chickpeas or simply opening a can of them) in everything
Dips and spreads you can make with pickle juice!
Pickle juice isn't just for preserving pickles! The briny, acidic liquid can do wonders in all sorts of preparations, including those for spreads and dips.