Is it boxing wedding leftovers tackier than letting the food fill up landfills? I don’t think so! In my latest article for the Washington Post I wrote about how I often break social norms for what I believe is the greater good of cutting food waste. Check it out here.
Since this article ran, I have been overwhelmed with kind notes from kindred food-saving souls, as well as people who say they’re now joining us and will begin toting their own containers for just-in-case food rescue opportunities. A huge thank you to everyone who has reached out! I have loved reading about your own food rescue experiences, which have included more stories about rescuing unwanted turkey carcasses than I ever would have imagined! Cheers to you all keeping things low-waste, even if it’s a little awkward. And here’s hoping for a day when it’s more taboo to waste than to save, no matter the context.